Singapore Math is an incredible curriculum with a clear scope and sequence for students in grades K-6. It was created in 1998 based on best practices learned from math instruction in Singapore, a country that consistently ranks at the top of international assessments of math achievement. It takes a non-traditional approach to math education that emphasizes depth and strong conceptual understanding over memorization. Singapore Math emphasizes the instructional progression of concrete to pictorial to abstract when introducing new concepts and skills.
Singapore Math focuses on teaching students the tools to fully comprehend mathematical computation by making use of visualization techniques, which includes number bonds and bar modeling. This process strengthens a student’s mental math abilities with regard to computing, decomposing, and manipulating numbers in ways not always taught explicitly in schools. The Singapore Math approach helps students to develop strategies for determining solutions and discussing their problem solving process.
For more information and resources about Singapore Math, please visit their official website.
By Brad Hoffman, M.S.Ed.Board Certified Educational Planner and Learning Specialist
My Learning Springboard, Inc.