Private tutoring helps each student meet their unique needs and realize their individual goals. Whether the need is academic support, enrichment, test preparation, or building increased motivation and self-confidence, our educators create a personalized approach to support each student.
We also find that many families need support managing the overwhelming demands of day-to-day school life and developing systems for organization, time management, and study skills. Through private tutoring both in person and online, our educators and executive function coaches provide this support.
Regardless of the need or subject matter, we individualize the entire process to highlight a student’s strengths, design an appropriate course of action, and improve academic performance. The intensity, flexibility, and customization of private tutoring provides students with a competitive advantage in bolstering their success.
Under the leadership of Board Certified Educational Planners Brad Hoffman and Faya Hoffman, a husband-and-wife team, My Learning Springboard works with learners of all ages who have diverse learning goals.
Our mission is to help each student reach their full potential by becoming a confident, successful, and lifelong learner. We involve students and parents in the decision making process from the start, together selecting the best tutor or team for each family’s needs. Each family works closely with our leadership team throughout their time with My Learning Springboard to customize their experience, facilitate strategic planning, and ensure success.
Academic Coaching and Private Tutoring
- Executive Function Coaching (including study skills and organizational skills)
- Kindergarten Readiness
- Reading and Literacy Specialists – including grammar and handwriting
- Math Specialists
- Science and History Specialists
- Foreign Languages and English Language Learners (ESL or ELL)
Private Tutoring For Admissions
Beyond Traditional Academic Tutoring
- Enrichment Teaching and Independent Study (any subject area)
- Technology and Digital Coaching
- Art, Music, and Museum Education
- Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship
Other Private Tutoring Services
Please contact our office to discuss your family’s specific needs.